One of my favorite ways to relax is to look at the sky. So many changing colors and patterns. That's probably why one of my favorite websites is Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Through that site, I learned this this year is the International Year of Astronomy. This year, 2009, marks the 400th anniversary of the first time Galileo looked through a telescope and saw sights that amazed him, such as Saturn's rings, the moon's craters and Jupiter's moons.
Astronomers from around the globe plan to find as many opportunities as possible this year to introduce people to the incredible sights in the skies. They will be bringing their telescopes to front yards, parks, science centers and beaches, and inviting everyone to look at the spectacular view that many may have never seen.
Why not take a moment right now to sit back, relax and enjoy the beauty of the skies! Watch this wonderful time-lapse video, The Sky in Motion.
túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo.